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Tiny, 8-week-old border terrier cross found dumped in handbag – with its legs tied together

Tiny, 8-week-old Border terrier cross found dumped in handbag – with its legs tied together

When you believe it, no animal is more dangerous than us people. Unfortunately, there are individuals out there whose hearts are made from stone and feel no compassion for the vulnerable creatures and treat them with utmost disrespect. Luckily, there also are those that understand how important animals are and love them to the moon and back. The latter often restore our faith in humanity. 

This is the story of Radley, a small 8-week-old puppy who was discovered during a lady’s purse dangling from a charity shop in London, UK.

Having its tiny legs firmly tied with a elastic band , its life was in peril .

Radley, however, was lucky to be spotted by a passerby who was willing to urge him to the place he knew will provide him with the much-needed help and medical aid , so he dropped the purse ahead of RSPCA, an outsized UK-based animal welfare organization.

When the staff discovered the purse, it came with a note attached thereto , saying: “found this puppy.” No further explanation. People at RSPCA had no idea who could are so cruel and do such a horrendous thing to a baby.

Radley did experience certain health issues like digestive problems and trauma, but he was now feeling well. This Border terrier cross may be a little warrior who wouldn’t hand over on fighting for his life.

Most shocking however is that the puppy’s young, tender age.

“We have encounter similar cases but it’s concerning to ascertain how young the puppy was,” an RSPCA spokesperson said, adding: “Normally dogs need to stick with their mother until they're eight weeks old, so he could have easily died within the cold if he hadn’t been found.”

The pup is currently staying at the animal clinic where he has been given all the love he never felt before. he's way too young to tend for adoption just yet, but we hope that he will eventually find yourself with a loving family which will make his days fun and enjoyable.

Authorities do their best to trace down the monster who dared to harm a baby, and that we pray for him to urge what he deserves.

Being so young, Radley would probably easily forget the ordeal he had to travel through and can very soon become a loving dog that trusts humans again.

His sweet face matches his bubbly personality, and that we are sure he’ll bring joy within the family which will be lucky enough to welcome him. 


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  1. I would love to give Rodney a home where he will be loved and treated with love and affection xx


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