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Cop cries when he sees how former service dogs are treated, refuses to stand by and do nothing

This cop is one kind-hearted soul!
Meet Bai Yan, a policeman who lives within the eastern a part of Zhejiang province, China. He was a member of the local police for 13 years.

His primary task was to handle all of the 30 police dogs who are assigned to and deployed to his department.

Over time, Bai formed a deep bond together with his canine pack. Reaching retirement age, Bai noticed a drag amongst the dogs. It seems that when police and repair dogs retire, they didn't have happy lives to seem forward to. While they might actually qualify for adoption, many dogs are left neglected and miserable.

The only other option was to euthanize them. Not wanting either option for his canine friends, Bai sought to seek out an answer to the present problem.

A few years earlier, one among Bai’s dogs, Sonny, had been unfortunately diagnosed with carcinoma . The doctors advised the distraught Bai to place Sonny down, but he adamantly refused. He had an excessive amount of love for this dog in any case . Instead, he wanted his dog to be healthy again.
Bai painstakingly prepared special baths for Sonny everyday and much of TLC. Eventually, Sonny began to recover! The officer realized that animals need love – a bit like humans do.

Bai had a mission – he founded his own retirement home for dogs! He spent over 1,000,000 yuan (USD $150,000) to create the house himself. it had been designed specifically for ageing dogs. the house houses multiple assault and agility courses also as structured paths for walks. it had been important for Bai to make sure that the dogs get ample exercise as they ag

Hard-working Bai keeps the house running – he prepares their daily breakfast, gives them medicine, and ensures there's room for playtime. He spends his weekends and public holidays at the dog home. Bai is committed to creating a difference regarding the treatment of elderly animals in China.

Today, Bai does what he can to offer the dogs he worked with a happier retirement. To him, they're his work comrades and family – which is actually an unbreakable bond.

