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Houston rescue org fights to save dog found in the worst condition !

 About an hour’s drive outside of the Houston limits in Cleveland, Good Samaritans discovered Jake at a deserted, weakened structure. He was lying there motionless. initially it had been thought the four-year-old shepherd had already died, but he moved and his eyes opened; when the heartbreaking photos of Jake quickly picked up steam on social media early Tuesday, ThisIsHouston progressed and volunteered to assist .

Rescuers rushed to Jake’s side.

“He’s on the thanks to Vergi 24/7 now. Should be there soon! This guy is in really bad shape and wishes our help!

We must get up for those that cannot get up for themselves. How could people leave him like this? We just don’t catch on . Pray for Jake and please share!,” the group posted on Facebook.

Although Jake did code twice, veterinarians were ready to revive him, and he did make it through the night. supported the primary view of x-rays, Jake has gastric bloat, but because his grave condition, surgery wasn't possible.


“We decided to stay him stabilized overnight and assess this morning. We received no bad news calls overnight the vet on shift now has said he’s got gastric bloat, but his intestines aren’t twisted, they’re distended. He feels Jake’s biggest concern at now is an l4 and l5 fracture . He will need an MRI and a consult a neurologist when he’s stabilized.”

Fortunately Jake’s bloodwork is within normal range although he's anemic and remains in critical condition. Once his intestines normalize and his sodium count decreases, his prognosis will look better.


“We’d wish to remind folks that it’s okay to possess your opinion on Jake’s care. We primarily specialise in dogs like Jake because we are blessed to possess the resources to fight for them. Most groups would have euthanized him, but we fight at TIH. If he’s meant to be an angel, he are going to be one. If he’s meant to be a miracle, he are going to be one. and that we have seen tons of miracles.”

To donate to Jake:
Call Vergi 24/7 at 713-932-9589
Venmo @ThisIsHouston

