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No One Wanted To Get Attached To Sickly Pup, She Stayed At His Side Anyway

When this poor baby was finally rescued, he was so sickly that he hardly resembled a dog. to mention he was skin and bones may be a vast understatement. He was so malnourished and anemic that standing up was difficult. He was beyond exhausted and keeping his eyes open was hardly possible. Saving this dog’s life would be touch and go but his rescuers weren't abandoning on him.

The vet staff gave the dog blood transfusions and that i .V. nutrition. His body was sorely lacking essential nutrients also as iron. His rescuer knew that his condition was faraway from stable, and remained at his side just just in case .

He had a tough time staying warm, with no body fat, so his caretaker dressed him during a warm coat. He was content and eventually improving. It’s amazing what some affection and love can do for a dog who has always been on his own.

Source: STRAY PAWS/YouTube

As time went on, his health began to enhance . It’s a slow process but any progress are steps within the right direction! He now has the energy to steer around and explore. He makes new friends too. He loves his new foster home!

In a month, his fur began to grow in. He’s beginning to appear as if a healthy puppy. He even plays and wags his tail. But the simplest part is that he's so happy! His rescuer decided to adopt him and provides him all the love he’ll ever need

Source: STRAY PAWS/YouTube

The puppy adopts his own favorite toy, a stuffed bear, and carries it around happily while wagging his adorable tail. Everyone who visits him is astounded by his progress. He went from a living skeleton to a cheerful , healthy puppy in only four weeks!

Source: STRAY PAWS/YouTube

Good medical aid is important but it’s never a simple thing to return by, especially for strays in impoverished areas. We are so grateful that this puppy was saved in time and continues to thrive together with his new family. you've got to observe him playing within the video below. It certainly warms the guts right up
