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Couple Claim They Forgot That Their 4 Dogs Were In Their Hot Car After Locking Them For Hours

 In Bristol, 4 Hound-mix puppies were saved just in time by a K9 officer. The puppies were panting in haphazardly during a gaudy locked hot car.

The dogs got water and moved to his air-conditioned cruiser and that they are safe now. We appreciate the K9 officer’s timely action.

James Brian Hughes and Carolyne Amanda Hartley, 29, from Abingdon were arrested after they were missing for hours. they're now charged with 4 counts of animal brutality.

The irresponsible owners say that the pooches were forgotten within the vehicle, while they were getting to the courthouse. Now, the puppies are within the animal shelter, with an honest health. Watch the video below.

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